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What is the MVCC?

The Military Vehicle Collectors of Colorado (MVCC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of vintage historical military vehicles from all periods, conflicts, wars and countries. Our mission is to save these vehicles and equipment from the scrap heap. Our goal is to acquire, restore, preserve, operate and display our vehicles. Our purpose is both educational and historical as we seek to preserve our military history, create public awareness, and share our vehicles and our knowledge with the public. Our members include current and retired military personnel as well as non-military members and their families. We are not affiliated with any para-military organization. You do not have to own a military vehicle (MV) to join our club or participate in events.

The MVCC was formed in Colorado in 1975. Our club was the founding chapter of our parent organization, the Military Vehicle Preservation Association (MVPA) www.mvpa.org which was formed in 1976. Our members generally reside in the metro Denver area and Front Range, but we have many members that live hundreds of miles away as well as out of state. All of our vehicles are privately owned. While some of our vehicles were purchased directly from the military, most were acquired after years of neglect and abuse and painstakingly restored, a process that may involve hundreds of hours of work. MVCC members make every effort to restore these vehicles to their original condition and display them with authentic markings and equipment, often at great expense. Our expertise in military vehicles spans everything from bicycles to tanks and includes everything from 1/4-ton vehicles to 10-ton trucks, trailers, motorcycles, armor, tracked vehicles and artillery pieces. Vehicles represent most major conflicts including pre-war/WWII, Korea and the Cold War, Vietnam, and Operation Desert Storm. We have members who have written books and are called upon to consult for movies and TV shows. MVCC members often rely on one another to assist in research, repair and maintenance, restoration projects, or simply find parts but we also frequently enlist the help of other MVPA members and have an extensive network of contacts.


As a club, we participate in a numerous events throughout the year with our vehicles, uniforms and equipment. We support many Military and Veteran's organizations. We do not make appearances for political purposes. On average, we make appearances twice per month. Occasionally, our members make several appearances at different events on the same weekend. Our club's popularity has grown to the point that we must occasionally decline certain events because of scheduling conflicts. If you have an interest in having the MVCC appear at one of your events we encourage you to contact us ASAP and book in advance, especially on dates involving major holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Veteran's Day, etc).

We typically appear at the following events:

Car Shows • Parades • Air Shows • Convoys & Trail Rides • Historical Re-enactments • Events of Public Interest • Community Service activities • Private Events (click here for currrent event schedule)

Meetings are normally held the first Friday of each month starting at 1900 (7PM) at Dino Diesel in Sedalia, Colorado. [Click here for map]

For more information concerning public appearances or membership in the MVCC please contact either:
President: Phil Movish 720 413 4626 president@mvcconline.org      
Vice-President: Lew Ladwig fladwig@msm.com
Secretary: Chris Raasch ncc1603@aol.com 
Treasurer: Phil Curry 303 880 8035  pcorjc@msn.com 
MVCC OD News Editor: Ernie Covington egalecov2@msn.com oo